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The White Mountain Chronicles


The White Mountain Chronicles

Stories from the Mountains of New Hampshire

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I have released a new Ebook, 'The White Mountain Chronicles', containing 22 of my favorite memoirs and stories gathered during my years in New Hampshire, tales of adventure, laughter, friendship, mayhem, and discovery.

Book Cover

* some of the stories below have been removed from the website while the Ebook is in publication. They are included in the download with purchase of the book.

Follow the link below for information on available download formats and purchase information.

More info at Laudizen Books.


My AMC White Mountain Guides  -  homage to the White Mountains - 10/07  
Out of the Fog  -  strange moments in the White Mountains of New Hampshire - 11/07

How Things Come to Pass  -  the last motorcycle ride - 7/07

Through the Past Darkly with Sven Saws and Candle Lanterns  -  divorce, Martinis, on the trail at 1:00am with candles; what could go wrong. - 8/07

Closing Galehead  -  not your average night in a high hut in the White Mountains - 9/07

In the Shadow of Monadnock  -  2 stories from the Monadnock Region - 11/07

Mt Garfield Dream  -  a cold May storm comes to the mountains - 11/07

Mountain Pond and Carter Dome  -  a hot summer adventure - 12/07  

Winter Night at Hermit Lake - a special visit to Tuckerman's Ravine - 12/07

Remembering Ray Evans, 1909-2001  - remembering a man - 12/07

Carter Notch in Winter, the First Trip - a winter adventure - 1/08

Red Flannel Hash -  discovering red flannel hash in New Hampshire - 2/08

Camp 16 - a memorable trip to Camp 16 and Mt Bondcliff - 2/08

Second Sojourn - a winter trip into Carter Notch in a storm - 6/08

The Riddle of New Hampshire - the Old Man of the Mountain is gone, but his riddle remains - 7/08

On the Garfield Ridge with Jack Kerouac - friends and summits - 7/08

Mt Carrigain Trilogy - remembering the mountain - 7/08

Golden Girls - a senior moment in New Hampshire - 8/08

Pilgrimage - old ghosts come to Camp 16 - 4/10

Ghosts and Summits - a winter hike in Warner - 8/08

May Camp - preparing camp in a May rain - 12/08

Interlude - the White Mountains in Winter  - 9/10

Saco River Idylls - the wonder of water - 7/11

Franconia One - first hike of the Franconia Ridge - 07/11

The 48 Summits - the 4000' peaks of New Hampshire - 6/09


note: stories below not included in the ebook


Carter Notch Hut, Winter 1986  -  4 page story and image gallery of a winter adventure - 10/07

Franconia Ridge - a summer traverse with Bob (w/images) - 6/08

Northern Presidential Traverse  -  4 pages of images of the Northern Presidential Range - 01/08

Juice - on the drive - 8/10

Little Thieves - experience is a dear teacher - 5/12