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Books by Laudizen King

The White Mountain Chronicles (an Ebook)

The White Mountain Chronicles

The following stories now appear in a new Ebook, the White Mountain Chronicles, published by Laudizen King in January of 2010. This Ebook is available in various download formats, including Kindle, Epub, Palm Doc, Sony's LRF, and PDF. Use the following coupon code at checkout to purchase the book for $4.75 at the link below, a savings of more than 30% off the list price.

Coupon code: HF77Q 

Purchase the White Mountain Chronicles     

May Camp
Red Flannel Hash
In the Shadow of Monadnock
My AMC White Mountain Guides
Carter Notch in Winter, the First Trip
Through the Past Darkly with Sven Saws and Candle Lanterns
Winter Night at Hermit Lake
How Things Come to Pass
Second Sojourn
Camp 16
Ghosts and Summits
Golden Girls
Mt Garfield Dream
Closing Galehead
Remembering Ray Evans, 1909-2001
Mountain Pond and Carter Dome
Riddle of New Hampshire
Mt Carrigain Trilogy
On the Garfield Ridge with Jack Kerouac
Out of the Fog
The 48 Summits

Signposts and Junctions  

This book is available in print as a trade paperback.

Even in today's online world, there are many reasons to purchase a book: as a gift, for the beach, at the camp, for the soldier, as a traveling companion, or to enjoy while reclining in bed.

Signposts and Junctions
The Stories and Travels of Laudizen King
ISBN 978-1-60145-808-7

Available in paperback at Booklocker for 14.95 and 3.00 shipping (Visa or Mastercard).
Click on 'Purchase' at right to order a copy now. -- Purchase

(people living outside the US, or without Visa or Mastercard, should order through their local online or retail channels by ISBN number)

Signposts and Junctions is a collection of more than forty personal memoirs and travels from Laudizen King. Spanning a period of fifty years, these stories encompass a diverse array of emotions and experiences: from the days of childhood innocence to the jungles of Vietnam, from the White Mountains of New Hampshire to the Appalachian Trail in Georgia, from the beaches of Nantucket to the deserts and mountains of California. Travel with the author as he revisits two close encounters with death in the Cabinet Mountains of Montana, remembers a motorcycle accident in Massachusetts, and makes two attempts on the highest mountain summit in Southern California.

Also in this collection are nine of the author's favorite stories and travels that celebrate the years he spent camping and exploring in the White Mountains of New Hampshire: ‘My AMC White Mountain Guides’, ‘Out of the Fog’, ‘Red Flannel Hash’, and more. From a wild night of revelry (‘Through the Past Darkly with Sven Saws and Candle Lanterns’), to the challenges presented by a May blizzard (‘Mt Garfield Dream’), and in the simple joys of making camp alone at night in the driving rain (‘May Camp’), Laudizen King reveals his affection and respect for the White Mountains and shows us that every moment spent doing the things we love is something to be cherished and enjoyed.