I, too grew up in Manchester and swam at Salter's Pond. I was a
Green, then Buckley kid. Although I am younger than you, I have many
memories there. Our neighbor, Jack Henry, a WWII vet who had lost a
leg, used to pile a large group of us into his Ford station wagon and take
us there in the afternoon when I was too young to ride a bike. He also
took us for our first swimming lessons in the morning. I remember
watching them throw in the chlorine. For me it was the Walkers -
Ginny, Margie, and Billy, the Henry's - Patty and Michael, my sisters-Kathy
and Nancy, and me, Roberta Ryan. I was 7 in 1960 and often rode my
bike to the pool for lessons and swimming in the afternoon. My sisters
graduated from MHS in 1963 and 1964. They went to Bennett (which was
called Barnard then). I went to Illing.
I also graduated to Misquamicut as a teen - got several blistering burns
I enjoyed your piece about Salters and hope that you will write more about
Roberta Ryan Williams
May 31, 2009