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Laugh and Remember

(note: Bill Haddad sent this letter from New Hampshire after reading "Off the Shoulder of Orion". I remember those times on the trail, I do indeed.  Laudizen)


Laugh and Remember

My dear friend,
I am writing to you now with glazed eyes just after reading your personal lament.  I have experienced some of that soul filling nectar you so eloquently wrote about in this short piece.  Glazed that I am from hearing about your disposition, as well as the fervent loss of possible new adventures.  You taught me how to hike and how to prepare one's self for anything out there; I still have the cylindrical backpack with your initials inscribed on it.  I also have many other backpacking items and supplies all because of you.  For this I am forever grateful, but more so for the sharing together of natural beauty, breathtaking views and wondrous gatherings we got to experience together.   Please know that I have successfully transferred an above average desire of the same to my son Kurt William.  You can take pride in starting this within me and just think back to how many others you might have inspired to do the same with their children.   
Dare I recall some of the trips and experiences?  Of course I do!  Ethan "Butane" Pond with a not so cherry bag?  Are you laughing yet?  How about this one?  "I slept with Sybil."  No explanation needed.  Still not laughing yet?  Okay, how about this one?  "All day and all night I can't get away from your noise!"  These are just a few that come to mind and I wanted you to know that during that day of filming, on our delightful trek to the bowl, there was and still is, not enough down the trail, don't you think?
You are sorely missed but freshly remembered.

With much love,


November 11, 2008
New Hampshire